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September 10 to November 22, 2022

This project explores hidden potentials of the electrical activity of a mycelium. Considered a "neurological network of nature", the mycelium serves as a medium by linking the trees and other species together. In God, Émilie Payeur wants to connect herself to the mycelium while making their exchange audibly perceivable. Acupuncture needles are therefore inserted into the mycelium and connected to a system which captures electrical variations and transforms them by modular synthesis. The device is inspired by an electronic musical instrument developed by Finnish inventor Erkki Kurenniemi, the Sexophone (1972).

Flèche vers la gauche, de la main de Faraday
Détail de l'installation GOD
Détail de l'installation GOD
Détail de l'installation GOD
Détail de l'installation GOD
Détail de l'installation GOD
Détail de l'installation GOD
Détail de l'installation GOD
Détail de l'installation GOD
Logo de Eisode
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